
FreeHand Support Center

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FreeHand MX Release Notes

Read the release notes for a full list of Windows and Macintosh issues that are still outstanding.

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See Also

FreeHand 8 Xtra Development Kit

The FreeHand 8 XDK provides everything developers need to create powerful extensions to FreeHand: documentation, example code, and support for rapid Xtra development. Whether you intend to automate FreeHand for in-house use or develop commercial Xtras to enhance the user's productivity and creativity, the XDK is the place to start.

FGS 7 Interactive Training Update for Windows NT

FreeHand XDK v7.00

Description/Installation Instructions:

The FreeHand XDK v7.00 allows you to create Xtras for FreeHand 7 (Mac and Windows) and FreeHand 5.5 (Mac). To install the XDK, download the XDK and then install or unzip the XDK to the root folder of your main hard drive. Then open the Readme.html file in the base folder using Netscape® Navigator™, Microsoft® Internet Explorer™, or a compatible web browser.

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